There are 8 years focus on I.T. role which mainly working in software development/ Android /iOS Apps, PC software, full stuck development with Web service and cloud Computing. Over 2 years on AI / Data science application development
I completed a Master of Science degree in Information Technology with Stream Artificial Intelligent and Big Data at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong in 2021. I love to build and develop a good AI/Machine Learning Application for people. It always gives me challenges
and opportunity to improve myself and also share the development experience with others. My career focus on developing AI/ Data Science/ Application in future.
Here it's my skills from my past working experience and self-project
Algorithm :
Linear /Logistic regression, SVM, KNN, CNN, RNN, GRU, LSTM, MLP, K-mean Clustering, DBSCAN, Naive Bayes, Decision tree, Ensemble Learning, Transfer Learning, Random Forest , PCA, EDA, Data Augmentation
Method: Semi-Supervised learning, unsupervised/supervised machine learning, Feature Engineering
Application :
classification regression (price predict), NLP, Chatbot, Computer Vision
GPU Programming: Rapids, Numba, CUDA, Exploratory data analysis (EDA): DataPrep, Panada Application: classification, regression (price predict), NLP, Chatbot, Computer Vision.
Algorithm :
CNN, Image Segmentation (U-net), face Detection, Neutral Style Transfer, Canny detector, Blob detection, 3D point Cloud, Depth Map (TOF / Stere Camera) , Feautre Extraction (Shape, geometry (PHOG), Texture(FWLBP), Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, YOLO,, GAN, SSD, Color Filter, OpenCV, Image Argumentation , MobileNet , DarkNet, Coco dataset, Tensorflow Object detection API, SLAM, Open Image Dataset, Detectron2, DeepSort
Application :
Real time object detection, Body Gesture, Face reorganization, Object counting, People Counting, Object Tracking, OCR
Algorithm :
N-Gram, Tokenization, stemming, TF-IDF, Word2Vect, Chinese Text Segmentation, Text Representation, Cosine Similarity, IR-base Question Answer, Knowledge-base Question Answer, Conversion QA, SVM, Part of Speech Tagging, Hidden Markvo Model (HMM), BERT , Seq-to-Seq , Word Embedding , Context-free grammar (CFG), Chomsky normal form (CNF) (CYK Recognition ), Constituency/ Dependence parser , Information Extraction
Application :
Question Answer machine, Chatbot, translation, Sentimental Analysis , Emotion Analysis, Text Ranking, Recommend system, Multiple choice Question Answering , Reading Comphesion
Framework : pandas, numpy, pyspark
Method :
Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA), Time-Series Analysis, EWMA, Statsmodels, Statistical Analysis, Data visualization, Machine learning/ Deep Learning, Data Preprocessing (data wangling/ Data Cleaning), Web scraping, Feature Extraction/Feature Engineering, Predictive Analysis
Automated System (HK) Ltd.
Handle AI+ RPA HK Government Tender project
System Analysis and Design (SAnD) for government tender requirement
Prodigy Electronics (HK) Ltd.
AI Application /Algorithm research and development (computer vision, NLP, LLMs/ Data Science/Analytics)
Design and development AI/Machine Learning/Deep learning model for AI/data analysis application
Bid, development HK Government Tender AI Project and EMSD HK government Wish AI project
IoT Sensor AI Data analytics on Cloud (AWS)
Design AI Big Data Analysis/data collection Architecture (Serverless and Microservice)
MegaSoft Ltd.
AI Application/Algorithm Development (Computer Vision)
Edge Computing (AI with Nvidia Jetson/ raspberry pi)
Build Machine Learning Model for AI project
Containerized Machine Learning (Docker)
Data science / Data Analysis
Full stack development (Both frontend/Backend)
Actimirror Corporation Ltd
Write (Android apps) for Smart Mirror Application
Manage AWS service (S3)
AWS Iot service interface (MQTT)
Design and Interface Restful API with AWS and Android Apps
Human body sensor Data Analysis, Database design
UX/UI design
Spectra Technologies Holding Company Ltd.
Write (Android apps) for Smart POS terminal Payment Application
Write Android apps for Visa/Master, American Express , QR code Credit Card payment method
Write Android Apps with IOS8583 finical protocol for Bank Payment Gateway protocol
RTX Hong Kong Ltd
Write Bluetooth (CSR) Handset configure driver
USB/Bluetooth headset firmware and PC tool Development
Android DECT phone Apps development
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Open university of Hong Kong
IBM Certificate Link
IBM Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
AWS Certificate Link
MicroSoft Certificate Link
Chinese University of Hong Kong (School of continuous study)
Stanford Online Certificate Link
Stanford Online Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
DeepLearning AI Certificate Link
AmazonCertificate Link
Here it's my ai/machine learning/data science related project example. I interersted continues build the wide applciation for learning the new skill for I.T application.
Over 30+ AI/Data science project in My GitHub and Kaggle competition website (go to link for detail)
GitHub Code RepositoryObjective:
Love AI, Data science/ Big Data/ Machine learning/Computer Vision/NLP Application Development as much as? Let's talk with me